Time to do a “Wellness Check”

As a health and wellness coach I look at the entire BIG picture of someone’s life and not just what they eat or if they exercise.  When I hear “But she was so healthy” or “He didn’t even smoke”  I often think about what harmful chemicals they could be using in their home that could be causing illnesses and compromising their immune system. I help people eliminate toxins and chemicals from their everyday lives so they can substantially improve their health, boost their immune system, with the goal of avoiding cancer and other illnesses related to these harmful ingredients.

Someone may look healthy from the outside but on the inside, they could be ingesting, breathing and smothering harmful chemicals in their skin and body. They may eat organic food but clean with harmful chemicals, sleep in toxins coming from laundry detergent, use dryer sheets that exhaust into the air, and breathing in harmful chemicals all day in their homes and offices. Their organs and immune system can be compromised from taking in all these chemicals every day.

You can eat all the organic food in the world but your body can only handle so much from toxic chemicals entering your system through everyday products including but not limited to: cleaning supplies, candles, water, carpeting, beds, adhesives, building materials, insecticides, paints, stains, air fresheners, dryer sheets etc.  Over 80,000 chemicals are registered in the USA. The list of chemicals entering our homes and offices through products are endless and as a result our indoor air is often polluted which could be causing a slew of health problems including a compromised immune system. Right now, more than ever we need to make sure our immune systems are as healthy as possible to fight off illnesses and all viruses.

The American Lung Association states on their website “Cleaning is essential to protecting our health in our homes, schools and workplaces. However, household and cleaning products—including soaps, polishes, and grooming supplies—often include harmful chemicals. Even products advertised as “green” or “natural” may contain ingredients that can cause health problems. Some cleaning supplies can even be flammable or corrosive. Fortunately, you can limit your exposure to those risks. Read all labels and follow instructions when using cleaning products. It could save your life.”

Asthma and allergies are on the rise along with other ailments caused by polluted air, such as headaches, dizziness, depression, respiratory infections, autoimmune disorders, throat and ear infections, colds and flu. There are many studies performed on indoor air environments due to the concerns over the effects of rising levels of chemicals and pollutants. The National Center for Health Statistics reported an alarming increase of people suffering from severe allergies and asthma due to our poor indoor air quality. Even as far back as 2003, Harvard School of Public Health reported that out of 120 homes tested for toxic gases and compounds. 100% of the homes had levels that exceeded safe standards and that this is a nationwide problem.

According to the EPA, the levels of indoor air pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels, and in some cases these levels can exceed 100 times that of outdoor levels. Your indoor air can be more harmful than the air outside. Making every effort to help purify the air in your home is important to your health and your immune system and wellbeing of your family.

Your immune system is your defense mechanism against viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. The immune system helps to provide resistance to infections and toxicity and with a strong immune system your body has the power to cure itself.

You can do your own wellness check or hire us. Start now by reading your ingredients and knowing your labels.

Some of the symptoms of having chemicals in your home and poor air quality:

  • throat irritation
  • breathing difficulties
  • tightness in the chest
  • runny nose
  • allergy-like symptoms, such as sneezing
  • burning sensations in the nose
  • dry, itchy skin rashes
  • headaches

Why is the indoor air more polluted?

  1. Household cleaning products and pesticides
  2. Toxic air fresheners including candles
  3. Inadequate ventilation
  4. High temperature and humidity 
  5. Lack of fresh outdoor air
  6. Airtight buildings
  7. Dampness and moisture
  8. Materials used in the building           

What you can do to make your indoor air better?

  • Reduce or stop using chemicals that outgas into your home
  • Clean ceiling fans regularly
  • Invest in a HEPA air purifier
  • Air out dry cleaning before you bring it inside your home
  • Use plants around you home
  • Clean or change filters in window air conditioners and change filters in whole house units
  • Open your windows as much as possible
  • Have your ducts and vents cleaned but ask about the chemicals they use(have them use only water with soap)
  • Get rid of toxic candles
  • Take off your shoes
  • Clean with non toxic products and get rid of dryer sheets
  • Make sure you are using your vents on your stove
  • Vacuum your rugs regularly(Area rugs are better than wall to wall)
  • Avoid Anything with ‘fragrance’ in it. “Unscented” does not always mean fragrance-free!  Fragrance can be made up of hundreds of chemicals. Companies do not have to reveal these ingredients.  

Much Health and Happiness to you all!

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For further info contact:
Therese “Tee” Forton-Barnes

Email: Tee@TheGreenLivingGurus.com

Cell: 716-868-8868

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